- Met again at our house - we were actually able to get a picture of the four boys all together, in a single picture and I think all of them are even smiling.
- Two minutes after the boys were captured on film, two of them split. These boys aren't close. It's odd that they're having a joint party.
- No decision was made on the meat during the meeting.
- We will be getting together again in a few weeks to address all the invitations (YAY)
- We will be making 40 lbs. Yes 40 lbs of potato salad.
- Still no decision on how many buns are needed.
- The moms will shop, together, on a Saturday at Sams. - I made a note to get hit by a truck the night before so I wouldn't have to go.
Me: Do you really think we need to have 3-4 different kinds of smoked meat? Isn't pulled pork just fine? It's the cheapest and easiest. Thoughts?
Family #2: Silence
Family #3: Let me know
Ex-Wife of Family #3: Whatever is fine
Family #4 (aka Pain in the ASS): Can we freeze the meat before hand?
Me: Dude smoking the meat says that it would be best if we didn't freeze it. Says it could be pulled up to 7 days prior but he'd rather do it a few days before.
Family #2: Silence
Family #3: Let me know
Ex-Wife of Family #3: Whatever is fine
Pain in the ASS: Silence
So another week passes and me and Family #3 make the executive decision to order ONLY pork and to up the quantity from 50 lbs finished to 60 lbs. We also secretly agree to 400 buns. Family #3 places the order.
Another week passes and I get an email from Pain in the ASS: What day? I'm busy on May 1st.
Well let's see, since the party is the 14th and the last email said it would need to be pulled a few days prior....I'm not even responding to her stupid fucking inquiry.
Oh and also, I found out from Family #3 that his ex-wife is not happy we are ONLY having pulled pork - she really thinks we should have at least one other type of meat. Ummmm - she said she didn't care? Well now she does. So ummmmm, what other kind of meat does she want to do???? - - - HAM.
HAM? How the fuck is HAM different than smoked pork? How is that providing a variety? Fuck it. We're having smoked pork and if people don't like it, they can go hungry.
Oh and because I couldn't figure out why in the hell we were making 40 lbs of potato salad, I sent a follow up email:
Me: We decided to make 40 lbs of potato salad and get 50 lbs of meat. Was that what you wanted? The same amount of potato salad as meat?
Family #2: Silence
Family #3: Let me know
Ex Wife of Family #3: I can do whatever
Pain in the ASS: Fine. We'll just do 20 lbs.
Oh - and the Pain in the ASS is getting us EACH a 4' x 4' vinyl banner of our son. YAY! I have no clue what I will do with that after this party, maybe hang it in the kitchen? Or family room? Maybe our bedroom.....the possibilities are endless!
You are such a glutton!! LOL My kids want to do the very thing I did apon graduating...they want to go get drunk with their friends...I say it's a family tradition that should not be squanded away!!! I think my ex is buy a keg and even dragging out the grill...GREAT!!! I will go home from graduation to my nice quiet house and toast the fact I have no more kids in school cause I'm an old fuck now til I can't find my mouth with the bottle....and then we'll have my family out in June to celebrate all the precious little kids related by blood advancing in their education and I can go after them with the garden hose...now THAT's a party!! :)
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like FAR more fun than my party! As a matter of fact, I think, if ANY of the kids show up here to drink beer after that party, I will hose them down and run them off! I'll make a note of that in my handy dandy fucking notebook. As soon as I find the damned thing.