Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Boring Shit that will Bore you to TEARS

Sorry to have been remiss in posting the last few days - it seems I was busy - doing, um, er, something terribly important! 

Last Friday night, the crazies came over to address graduation invitations - I was fortunate enough to run them out in about 2 hours so that I could spend some quality time with the other cousin!  We had a grand ol' time, sittin' in the garage, swilling back the booze, bitching bragging about our parenting skills and how good we are at it.  We stayed up pretty late, later than we should have, but we had a lot of ground to cover!  Fun times!

Saturday, I got up at the ass crack of dawn (8:30) and started getting busy doing important shit like drinking coffee, chatting with my cousin some more, and bitching about some more benign shit that grates on my nerves.  I can't share it with you right now, because I'm no longer on THAT rant and it doesn't interest me any longer.  I'm sure I'll come back to it another time becuase it seems that is the pattern.

Then I did a whole shit ton of chores INCLUDING going to hell Walmart on a Saturday afternoon with daughter #1.  The house doesn't look any cleaner and I can't really recall which chores I did, it appears none - but I know I did them because my hands look old and wrinkled and also I remember my feet hurt pretty bad that night.  Late in the day, the prodigal son dropped by to "clean his room."  This act consists of picking up 3 dirty glasses and army crawling them from the basement stairs to the dishwasher.  He had to army crawl because he had on his "work" boots (why that kid has work boots totally escapes me - he does no work) and they were muddy and I had just cleaned my floors.  He was too lazy to take them off, so he army crawled around - his friends (who had on cleaner shoes) just stood there and laughed at him.  The whole thing was really pathetic on more levels than I can even describe.  But I did laugh because he is funny!

And also he gets on my nerve.  I have one left.  It's VERY ragged and old and aged.  He is on it right now.  Hasn't had time to get his prescription filled.  Didn't go to physical therapy because he had a game.  Can't go to class in the morning because he needs to get shit done.  He makes life far more complicated than it needs to be.  He really does.  If you set your priorities - in the correct order - and stick to them and follow that list - then life is just a tad easier.  I wonder how long it will take him to figure this shit out.  I'm trying to remember how long it took me, but maybe I'm not yet there so that's why I can't remember?

Anywho - Sunday I did the sum total of JACKSHIT.  I was freakin' tired because the husband made me stay up quite late Saturday night - drinking and listening to music.  I kept begging him to end the night and let us go to bed, but he kept insisting we stay up and drink more.  He's such a lush.  So on Sunday, I felt like crap and didn't do much of anything. I  tried to pretend I was fine and got up and acted busy  - but at 10 a.m. I took a nap. 

On Monday morning, I got up late, found the car on empty, hit the curb with my tire on my way around a roundiebout and then forgot to pay summer camp dues.  I officially grounded myself from the booze for 3 weeks and my wonderful husband ran all my errands and filled up my car with gas while I was at work. It's good to have him.  I love him.  He's good to me.  And Monday evening http://www.raisinaruckus.typepad.com/ came over to watch daughter #1 play softball and we ate ice cream sundaes FOR DINNER!!!!!  She called me the devil!!!  I like that!

I know - this is the most horrendous post ever and not funny or entertaining or even worthy of your time it took to read it.  I apologize.  I just wanted to touch base - - I'll come up with something better in the near future.  Oh and guess what - I THINK my other two sons have moved back in.  YAY!!!

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