So yesterday, after a surprise luncheon meeting, I decided I would zip over to the Walmarts and get myself some flannel lounging pants. I don't own a pair. And I have no clue why. The trip was a success and when I got home, I of course had to wash them before I could wear them. So while they swished away in the machines, I walked on the treadmill. And when I was done - I changed into these delightful little pieces of heaven on earth - flannel lounge pants. I'm in love. And it was then that I decided that I would wear them every day for the next two weeks.
Until I remembered... I have to attend a meeting IN the office this morning and then tonight I have the blonde's Christmas program. And on Wednesday, the brunette has an ortho appt, needs to go to the mall and then I have a meeting to attend that will take all afternoon. FINE. BUT AFTER that meeting - I'm putting on those lounge pants and wearing them for the next two weeks. Seriously. I mean it!!
The mall. Bleh. I have worked VERY hard to do all of my shopping online this year. And then - the brunette announces, "I NEED to go to the mall - to get a Secret Santa gift." Really? Because the MALL is the only damned place in town that sells shit? I wanted to scream. I think I did actually. I believe I suggested she find something around the house her secret pal would enjoy and just wrap it up. My suggestion was of course met with stomping and huffing and puffing and door slamming. When I suggested her attitude was shitty - she informed me that WE give her the bad attitude. Well thank God I have an explanation. Now WE can change our wicked ways - I expect things to settle down over here from this point forward.
Anyway - I was on the treadmill when I got the news about the trip to the mall and my blood pressure sky-rocketed. I'd been on the thing for about 20 minutes when I got the news. So I had no choice - but to stay on it for another 40 minutes at 4 mph until I could get myself settled down. And it was during that time that it hit me - she has an ortho appt in the morning - why not just zip by the mall after that - I could pick up a gift for the Prodigal Son's g/f (never sure if they're on or off so hadn't purchased anything yet) - she could get her secret pal a gift. We'd be in and out and I'd have her back to school by lunch and I could make my noon meeting! I heard exercise clears your foggy brain - and I guess it does! YAY!
Stupid Mall.
Ah the annual Christmas program tonight. CANNOT wait!!! The brunette is already pissed and slamming doors because I'm making her go. Which I think is totally rude and self-centered. It actually turns my stomach a little to see her throw such a fit about attending her sister's program. She was all about it until last night - when she found out there was a game of some sort she would like to attend instead. And I denied that request. Oh what a treat she will be this evening. The blonde is so excited! And that's the only reason I'm looking forward to it. Truth be told - I will cry. I always do when I see the darling little ones singing on stage. But then the older ones like 5th & 6th grade appear and I'm over it. My plan tonight is to depart BEFORE the older ones take the stage. That way I can leave with the sweet memories etched in my brain. I hope that plan pans out!
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