Yesterday was the wind on Sunday...but more relentless. I got up early and immediately started working as I had several items come through over the holiday weekend that required my attention. Unfortunately, they all turned out to be far more involved than I originally thought. I think I sat down at my computer at 6 a.m. and continued at it until 5 p.m., at which time I took the blonde & the brunette into town so I could pick up some documents at the office, then zip over to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few items that were on sale. It was probably 7 p.m. when I sat back down at the computer to finish up a project and then close to midnight when I got to bed. And then.........
I could not sleep. Too wound up. Hungry. Dog was snoring. Husband was snoring. Cold. Night Sweats. WHAT IS THAT NOISE? Is it reindeer on the roof? Ah sleep.... why must you escape me right now?
December is always a busy month for me. The actual number of days between Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to get fewer and fewer each year. So much to do. So many presents to buy. So insane that we have made Christmas into this. But I ordered a lot of gifts online and they started arriving yesterday - that UPS guy will be tired of making trips out here - I think he was here three different times yesterday. But last night I purchased some gift wrap, so my plan of attack is to wrap the gift as soon as it arrives on the porch - thus avoiding my normal 12 hour gift wrapping marathon that typically ensues this time of year. Ah yes - I have a plan!!
I found out yesterday that I have a meeting IN the office NEXT WEEK - that begins at 7:30 a.m. What.the.fuck? I will have to be there by 7 a.m. - which means I'll need to leave here at 6:45, which means I'll have to get my ass out of bed by - - - what? 5:00? I'm ALREADY in a panic. And that's likely why I couldn't sleep last night - fear of failing to wake up on time NEXT WEEK. Why? Why do people want to start meetings so damned early? Don't they know I roll out of bed and work in my jammies for several hours? That's the way I do it. It's better that way. Oh well.
Another shit ton of stuff on the agenda for today - projects, meetings, wrap a few gifts that arrived yesterday, run something to the post office for the blonde because her Girl Scout troop is doing secret Santa and I just found out about it yesterday, pick up some milk......and drop of that blasted Girl Scout cookie order. ARGH! Girl Scouts. I hesitated on letter her join - I have been putting her off for two years now and finally gave in. And she hates it. She thought they were going to do "stuff" - like boy scouts do. And instead - we just have to peddle these fucking cookies. And if peddling the cookies now isn't bad enough? We have to deliver and collect on them in January. We were supposed to sell 125 boxes. I think we sold half that. And frankly, I thought that was pretty damned good. I loathe a fund raiser. I really do. Just have a pancake feed. Or a car wash. You know - something that you wrap up in a matter of hours - not something that drags on for months and requires me to play step and fetch to a fucking box of Thin Mints.
Oh well....somewhere in there today, I need to revisit the boxes of Christmas decorations lying around. I suppose I need to either get the decorations OUT of the box and on display, or haul them all back to the basement. I'm leaning toward the latter, but I think the girls would prefer the former. Maybe they'll help me!?!!
A girl can have her dreams!
You would vote to have a pancake feed instead. You make real good pancakes.